Selasa, 06 April 2010


Sejak tanggal 29 Maret Sampai sekitar pertengahan April 2010, Saya menjadi salah satu peserta Prajabatan di Badan Diklat Srondol Semarang. Ternyata, saya masuk ke angkatan 23. Selama perjalanan dengan angkatan 23 saya banyak merasakan suka cita. Sungguh, angkatan ini merupakan salah satu angkatan yang menurut saya paling kompak dan hebat.

Selama menjalani diklat prajab, kami bertemu dengan banyak sekali widyaiswara yang hebat dan keren. Semoga, sampai akhir nanti, kami semua di angkatan dua tiga dapat lulus dengan nilai amat baik dan tetap kompak sampai akhir nanti. Hidup angkatan dua tiga!!!!!!!

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

The Beauty of the Gloomy Lawang Sewu

Hi there! What comes to your mind when reading the above title? It seems contradictory, doesn’t it? How can something be beautiful and at the same time gloomy? Yup, it’s a little bit odd. However, it is true. The title above is just right to describe the dark but somehow exotic Lawang sewu. Where can you find it? You can only locate it here in Semarang. “Lawang sewu” , as people always call it, is an aged but attractive building built in around 1903. With its magnificent art deco style, in the past Lawang sewu was used as the headquarter of the Dutch train company in the era of Dutch occupation in Indonesia. This splendid structure was designed by two notable Dutch architects, Prof. Jacob F. Klinkhamer and B.J Queendag.. The original name of the building was Nederlandsch Indische Spoorweg Maschaappij ( NIS ). However, People in Semarang call it lawang sewu to describe the numerous rooms and doors we can find in the building.

After Indonesia gained its independence in 1945, the building was used as the office for Djawatan Kereta Api Indonesia ( DKARI ), or presently known as PT Kareta Api Indonesia (KAI). It was also used by KODAM IV Diponegoro for some military purposes. Presently, however, this building is no longer in use for offices. Instead, together with 102 other buildings, Lawang Sewu belongs to the protected historical buildings in Semarang. Occasionally this building is used to hold special events of Semarang such as exhibitions. Lawang sewu, as people say, is exotic not only because of its magnificent style but also for the horror stories about this building. Many people admit that they ever see strange creatures or hear peculiar voices around the building. Because of the famous supernatural atmosphere, It became one of the places to hold the formerly famous TV program ”Uji Nyali” in Trans TV.

In the TV program the contestant failed the test since he admitted seeing horrible creatures in the building, and decided to quit. People may have noticed the “spooky” atmosphere of the building even from outside. In addition, when we get inside this building, even in the daytime, we will indeed feel this atmosphere even stronger. Do you want to feel the strange atmosphere offered by Lawang sewu?? Why don’t you witness it by yourself?? Lawang sewu is extremely easy to find. It is located right in the middle of Semarang city near tugu Muda. Come on! Come here and see how brave you are! .

The Magnificent Temple of Sam Po Kong

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java province. It is one of the busiest cities in Central Java because it is one of the easiest accesses for people to go around Central Java. Semarang is not only the city of trading and business. Semarang also has magnificent tourism sites. Starting form this posting, I will describe some breath taking tourism sites in Semarang. It aims to promote the beauty of Indonesia to the world, and to give example for students that by learning English we can do something for our beloved city Semarang and even our beloved Country of Indonesia. In this occasion, I will describe one of the wonders in Semarang. It is the temple of Sam Poo Kong or also known as the temple of Gedong batu.

The development of the city of Semarang started in around the 15th century. At that time there were groups of Chinese Moslems and some local people who lived near Kaligarang. At that time the coastline was still at the bottom of Simongan hill. The harbor of Semarang was a very important harbor for business that was often visited by foreign traders from Malacca, China, and The Dutch. The Chinese community coming to Semarang was led by a Moslem named Sam Po Tay Djien or also known as Zheng He. His ship landed in Semarang in around 1401 AD.

Zheng He lived in a cave which functioned as a shelter as well as a place for teaching the religion of Islam. When Zheng he returned to his country, there was a land slide that destroyed the cave. To honor Zheng he, people dug a new cave and built a special place. People also built Zheng He and his men’s statues in that place. It was the origin of the SAM PO KONG temple. This temple is the only place in the world that was honored by both Moslems and the Chinese. Simongan then grew into a crowded settlement after more and more traders from China came and lived there. There are some worshipping places that you can find in Sam poo Kong temple. Some of them

1. The worshiping place for t
he God of Earth / Fu De Shen
2. The worshiping place for Sam poo Kong
3. The worshiping place for Kyai Juru Mudi
4. The Worshiping place for Kyai Jangkar
5. The worshiping place for Kyai Cundrik Bumi

There are some traditional art performances that you can see in certain occasions for example the Barong Say dance to welcome the coming of the Chinese new Year. There are also some religious ceremonies held in this place. On Lak Gwee 29 imlek people usually hold Pek Kong ceremony. This ceremony is to celebrate the arrival of Sam Poo Kong in Semarang. Still, there are many interesting stuffs that you can see in this place. Therefore, if you go to Semarang, don’t forget to visit this magnificent temple. It is located at Jalan Simongan 29 Semarang.